Record Club is a listening night hosted by friends in New York City and Sullivan County, NY. We have been meeting since 1998 and have listened to over 4,000 songs together.
How it works: The core members, Sacha Jones, Derick Melander and Bryan Waterman invite 4-6 guests. Everyone plays two songs from their phone or laptop and we listen. We carve out an entire evening to be fully present, phones down, communing through music. An increasingly radical idea we know! We encourage everyone to play WHATEVER they are interested in. If you want to talk about it afterward you can and other people might have questions or observations to share. We don’t expect you to be a musicologist… How it works
The Record Club Playlist
View a list of what we’ve played over the years. There are many “lost record clubs” that will likely never be found, but we’ll be doing some recognizance and updating the master table as we go. If you notice any inaccuracies or would like to fill in any missing track details, let one of us know.